Is it Possible to Find an NFT with a Sustainable Ecosystem? What Is BraiNFT?

BraiNFT Collection
4 min readFeb 19, 2022

Systems Are As Powerful As Their Weakest Parts and As Fast As their Slowest Parts.

It is a well-known fact that the whole world is confused about NFTs. Some people have already accepted that Traditional industries have been evolving wave by wave with the Blockchain Revolution in this regard, and they are trying to quickly understand and adapt to a new product or service in this topic.

However, some people are also involved in the side that studies each new development in depth, waits and observes how it will become permanent or not. The advantages and disadvantages of both groups are highlighted here and still both sides are not considered to be efficient enough.

For example, if you are a person who is quickly adapting to innovations and has an appetite for shopping, you are more likely to buy products that you don’t normally need at a high price. Or if you think too deeply and oppose it for ideological reasons, if you are avoiding high-priced purchases, you often miss opportunities or have difficulty taking a new step.

NFT’s Have Now Become a Real Tool of Value

NFT’s are tokenized works of art that cannot be changed, divided and reproduced by securing the value of digital artworks on the Blockchain.

They do not have the same characteristics as a crypto currency, and they are more powerful against threats such as burning, theft, and loss that an ordinary and traditional work of art can experience.

Here again it is worth considering the other side of the medallion.

Do These NFT Designs Have Real Art Value?

What is art basically and What are the components that make an NFT valuable?

What Criteria are Important When Choosing to Purchase an NFT?

You can browse various opinions about this and similar question marks in many topics. If we are looking at this discussion a little more externally and with a more balanced eye:

You will notice that what is valuable in art, sooner or later proves its worth and continues to preserve it. The BraiNFT Collection is a new NFT Collection that has managed to balance all these seemingly complex components with an ecosystem

Meet a Living, Breathing and Talking NFT Collection Now!

The Vision of the BraiNFT Collection is to build an ecosystem where you can achieve your financial freedom by revealing your own genius in the NFT World with a sustainable collection based on trust, increased value and the power of the community.

In this context, let’s examine the components of Scarcity, It’s meaning and The Power of The Community.

1-) SCARCITY: The BraiNFT Collection consists of a total of 3,333 Brain NFTs written on the Avax network. Among the BraiNFTs, 5 of them are Special NFTs. These brains are some of the great geniuses who contributed to history and humanity. Such as: Tesla, Satoshi, Dali, Galileo and Einstein

2-)MEANING: Meaning: We are now tired of being a player who serve in pre-taught systems in experiences created by someone. You can have any NFT with different rarity feature in the BraiNFT Collection. Here, the Minting process is built on fair and equal rules for each candidate. So, as a probability, you are equally likely to get a Tesla or a Common BrainNFT. No matter which NFT you have received; you can raise the level of your NFT in the game without ever getting stuck in the status quo. Within the game, playmakers and players can both make a profit and add value to the value of their NFTS by achieving results completely aimed at their genius. For more information, you can follow our live Q&A activities on our Twitter account.

Team: The creators of BraiNFT are a popular team known by the name WTR Network. WTR Network is the first and only known Cryptocurrency and Blockchain social media platform. In all their activities from the past to the present, they have managed to become an information and action platform that prevents the community from being harmed in this dynamic and manipulative industry.

3-) COMMUNITY: The BraiNFT Community will be the living legends of an ecosystem that self-creates and grows both an artistic and a financial valuation from the moment they receive NFTs. We are also happy to share with you this gift prepared by a thoughtful community member.

In our next article of ‘‘ How Does the BraiNFT Ecosystem Work?” we will share all the technical details of this question and topic.

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BraiNFT Collection

An exclusive collection of 3.333🧠 NFTs that aims on The Geniuses who have shaped the world into it’s current form for millions of years!